Friday 1 August 2014

Masai Mara Wildlife Updates!

The wildebeest have made another dramatic come back into Masai Mara. For sometimes, earlier in the month we were uncertain of their movement since most had started going back into northern Serengeti. The current dry spell experienced in the region is widespread therefore all plains in the Mara and Serengeti are dry. This made the wildebeests to start  heading north into the Mara again, where though still dry, still has some fresh water which is a commodity lacking in most of Serengeti. Right now all the plains south of the Talek River are full of wildebeests and zebras. The crossing points on the Mara River just below lookout hill are places to be now as many animals cross the River west into the Mara triangle. In just a few days, the concentration in the south of the reserve swelled to an enormous number. Most of these herds have made a complete cycle in the past two weeks. They moved from the eastern part of the river, crossed west onto the Mara Triangle, then south into northern Serengeti and east from there before re-entering the Mara around the Sand River gate exactly as they did in July when they first came. In fact everything now is just like at the beginning. There is a higher concentration on Burrungat, central and Metaplains. The westward bound herds have spread out on the central plains again and some herds have started crossing the Mara Rivernear look out hill. The animals are crossing over into the Mara triangle just as before and others heading north with the first ones now around central plains. Most of the herds here have settled temporarily on the plains in these areas, even though the grass is dry. On Saturday, we had some rains have played a crucial role in the sprouting of the grass. The crossing points in the north around paradise plains have been teeming with activities, with the animals crossing over the Mara triangle.
looking back, the current migration scenario is similar to what I documented in October 2006, when the wildebeests delayed going back to Serengeti due to drought. They kept going back and forth between the Mara and north Serengeti

I still have places for the photographic safari to south Serengeti as per details on my previous post below. If you are interested, kindly get in touch by mid next month since we have to firmly reserve accommodation due to high demand in the camps in south Serengeti.

The wildebeests making a come back to the Mara last week.

The map of the Mara showing the recent movement of the wildebeests between the Mara and Serengeti.

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