Friday, 22 November 2013

Kenya Great Birding Safaris

Kenya has one of the richest avifauna in Africa with about 1,090 species recorded. Around 170 of these are Palearctic migrants and at least a further 60 are intra-Africa migrants. Some 230 species are entirely forest dependent and 110 require undisturbed habitat.
Traveling in Kenya safaris is quite exciting. Apart from animal game viewing, Kenya holidays also offer you great birding safaris which enable you to witness millions of flamingos in Lake Nakuru, the various types of vultures in Maasai Mara.
Ostriches in the Maasai Mara plains
Other birds found in Maasai Mara include crested, lilac rollers, bastards, starlings, herons, fowls, ostriches among others. These birds not only has sell Maasai Mara as a tourist attraction but also   Kenya as the best destination in terms of wildlife game viewing and birding safaris.
Birding in Kenya is a whole year activity, however, the best time is between October and April when more than 120 migrant species have arrived from the Northern hemisphere, mostly from the Palearctic but with some African migrants such as Forbes-Watson’s Swift; there is also the chance of finding one of the passage migrants such as the Sooty Falcon in March-April and October-December.
Alternatively, if you’re interested in bird-ringing, the latter period is when there’s a large bird ringing exercise at Ngulia in Tsavo National Park.
Kenya's beautiful birds relaxing
The coast is particularly good during this period with large flocks of water birds congregating at Mida Creek and Sabaki Estuary and lamu, while the Rift Valley lakes attract a lot of northern waterfowl making Kenya as the best destination for birding safaris
Travelers have a wide variety to choose between going for nature walk during his safaris or travel by vehicle during his photography safaris and enjoy all game birding safaris. Kenya offers the best opportunities for your photographic needs. If you are a nature lover, a people person or have a passion for sceneries, then look no further than a safari in Kenya.
Helmeted guinea fowl,Maasai Mara-Kenya
The suddenness of dawn in Kenya brings a quickening of the pulse. Now the lambent dawn floods the plains and the light flushes the shadows of night from the thickets, along hidden rills, and chases them across the tawny grasslands as the sun climbs, agile, over the curve of the equator
. With these great birding safari, many leave have leave  great testimonies of the wonderful experience they encounter during their stay and many are yearning to come back for these ultimate experience.
Sharon Sheery

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